Friday, 17 October 2008

Finding Fiddy

I've been hankering afer a Pajero ever since deciding to celebrate my 40th year (2009) with an overland trip to see my folks in Greece. Not having a massive amount of money meant my visits to the autotrader site were less about Pajero purchasing than they were about Pajero porn. Until October the 2nd 2008 that is.
I selected Mitsubishi and then Pajero and hit search. As usual, the default sort order was 'Price - Ascending' and there she was - the first, the cheapest, the Fiddy Pound Pajero!

Listed for £75, the ad said she'd go for £50 to someone who'd make her live again. I called, I enquired, I even grovelled and found the owner, Ed, was away until Sunday and I'd need to wait until then to find out if my enhusiasm was enough to convince him. Nervous times.

Sunday came and dragged until the phone rang. It was Ed. The car was mine for £50 if I could collect it....


  1. Tell me more, i love the mk1 Pajero. Very interested to hear more

  2. I though you were in love with my 480...she'll be jealous.
